"...I will use my power to help the sick to the best of my ability and judgement; I will abstain from harming or wronging any man by it..."



My major area of expertise is in the field of gynaecological surgery both conventional (laparotomy and vaginal surgery) and endoscopic (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy) in relation to informed consent, surgical technique, complications and their management, including bowel, ureteric, bladder, vascular and nerve injury. I also comment on gynaecological complications associated with road traffic accidents. I do not undertake cases involving obstetrics apart from complications related to Caesarean section or perineal trauma.

I prepare about 60 reports per year. In 2024, the average turn-around time for reports once all documentation was available was 21 days.

The ratio of instructions I receive from solicitors acting on behalf of claimants and defendant is now about 1:1.

I have appeared in court or at GMC hearings on nine occasions.

Click here for an analysis of the cases I have acted as expert witness.